Thursday, November 4, 2010

on sinking your teeth into the intangible

on this day I drove in some very good fall weather--50's and dim beneath a rainy sky which seemed at times to ponder the possibility of sun. there are few hills in Johnston County, which is where I make my money, and so encountering a rise in the road makes one pay extra attention to the landscape on the downward roll.  and indeed, before me spread stacks of tree-stands framing browning grasses and yellow soybean fields. I thought about the colors, and why they appeared so much more impressive on a day when there was no sunlight to illuminate and lift them. it was all like a fat moth perched stationary, instead of some lilting monarch. things were solid. what occurred to me was the sky was really making things right: it was silvery-gray in parts, with bits of white and yellow where the sun was almost parting the clouds, but a few sets of clouds had charcoal underbellies which, though they shifted above the land, seemed somehow to underscore each big hill and burgundy tree. mmmmmmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. my favourite days to look at colour are the rainy grey ones. I love the way bark grows so deep-brown that it's almost black, and the leaves become the most brilliant greens (or reds and oranges) they can. Walking down that brick ramp to the side of the library (the side nearest Bostian) always gets me, with the emerald green leaves and grass congtrasting with the ruby red bricks.
